Azma/irlTrash’s carrd

About Me


  • You can call me Azma

  • Gemini

  • Lesbian

  • I am a minor and that’s as specific as I will get

  • Im agenderflux

  • I go by they/them and xe/xem pronouns

  • Im Neurodivergent


  • I like Drawing (although I am not that good lmao)

  • Watching live streamers (such as Ranboo)

  • I play Genshin impact and Minecraft

  • Music

  • Honestly that’s pretty much all I can think of


  • Milk and water

  • People who disrespect others

  • Just people who are rude in general

  • Drama

Dni and Byf


  • I curse and use all caps I’d say a bit although if you need me to put a cw just tell me

  • I’ll mess up my words or phrase things incorrectly so if I do please correct me

  • Please don’t pqrt if you do tell me if it’s /neg or /pos


  • Under 13

  • Against tone indicators

  • Don’t respect peoples boundaries

  • Are ableist, homophobic, xenophobic, transphobic, anti-semitic, sexist, racist or just anything of similar sorts

  • If you’re against neopronouns

  • do a lot of hate